Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday February 11

Day 11!! Feb 11!!

What a great start to our first Monday morning on Holiday (last Monday we were in Drayton, North Dakota lol)! We've decided to treat Mondays the way we used to treat Fridays!!!

Blake and I started the day with an intense game of connect 4 while Dave and kylie had a few extra minutes of sleep..

Monday morning selfies...

Dave and I are taking turns in the morning to ski. Today was my turn to head head for a few runs before meeting the kids at the "jelly bean express" (the Magic carpet at the bunny Hill). I'm slowly, very slowing getting some basic ski skills back lol! 

Another beautiful, and very cold day at Kicking horse (only - 20 this morning so it was warm compared to the weekend).

Nobody in line at the gondola@10 am! This place is amazing!! 

After skiing, the kids went tubing at the tube park next to the bunny hills. Blake tubed for about 30 minutes, got bored and wanted to ski again. Princess Kylie was in the tube for almost an hour and half, until she was an ice block. 

A new kind of "apres ski". Kylie enjoying  her hot chocolate with whip cream while we wait for Blake and Dave finish their "big hill" ski run. 

Chilling out with some colouring. 

Dave loves his lattes:) 

Time to celebrate our first Monday on holiday with a little Veuve. Thanks Sandra and Ben- we've been holding on to this for over 2 years waiting for something "special" to celebrate! 

5:30pm and kylie is out cold.

And we are wrapping up the day with some snuggles with Blake on the couch while the penguins play the flyers on TV! 

**disclaimer** obviously I am highlighting all of the good and not emphasizing some of the tougher times, like the 1.5 hours that it took Dave to get kylie's ski gear on this morning, or Blake's meltdowns because he wants a whole apple (3 minutes after he asked for sliced apples), or the epic tantrums when Blake and kylie (or any of us) are hungry after skiing etc... So yes, we are definitely living large and loving life, but it is still life with a 3 and 5 year old :) 

***I am also not proofreading so mind the spelling/grammar/sentence structure errors:) ain't nobody got time for that when 
 on holiday for 7 months !! 

1 comment:

  1. I love all of this, Julie! What an awesome adventure! And thank you for the disclaimer - we need to hear that every family is as normal as ours sometimes! ;)
